Cucumis - Nemokama vertimo internete paslauga
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Visi vertimai

Visi vertimai - Bohemen007

Originalo kalba
Kalba, į kurią verčiama

Rezultatai 1 - 2 iš apie 2
Originalo kalba
Anglų Send without save
"Send without save" creates a button in Thunderbird. The "Button label" and "Button tooltip" can be changed freely. You can switch back to the "Default translation". The "Button tooltip" shows the text "Send message without saving a copy", an info text.
Norwegian Nynorsk!

It's for a Mozilla Thunderbird extension, an Computer Email program.
("label" means also "text", "tooltip" means also "information", "Default" means also "Standard")

Pabaigti vertimai
Norvegų Send without save
Bosnių PoÅ¡alji bez Å¡paranja
Originalo kalba
Tai "bendrosios prasmės" vertimo prašymas.
Bosnių Jesi li živa, ženo moja?
Jesi li živa, ženo moja?
Edited by maki_sindja.
Before edit:
"Jesi li ziva zeno moja"